Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Private Placement Program PPP is real and only can participate with invitation ROI about 15%-20% monthly

 Private Placement Program (PPP) Introduction

1. Please google "Private Placement Program"

2. PPP has already been in the VVIP financial market since 1960.

2. Only Offer to Very High-end clients initially.

3. Now open to Referral clients with a PPP small-cap of USD1 million.

4. The standard contract amount is USD 10M.

5. I only deal with Singapore and HK banks directly

6. ROI is between 5%-15% depending on negotiation.

7. Contract is between 6 months to 1 year

8. Customer can withdraw profit every month but not capital.

9. Once the contract is finished, the customer can wait for a new contract again or withdraw Capital.

10. PPP programs do not require any upfront fee or payment. If anyone asks for an upfront fee, then it is a scam.

11. These programs are private and are not openly marketed to the general public. Instead, they are usually available to high-net-worth individuals, institutions, or other qualified investors.

12. In real PPPs the investor’s principal investment remains either on Admin Hold or MT760 block (depending on the rating of the bank) for the period of the contract, after which it is unblocked. In real PPPs the investor remains the owner of the held/blocked funds and the funds are not moved out of the control of the investor. The investor’s funds merely act as a deposit against which the Program Directors raise their own leveraged credit facilities – to raise funds for trading. The trading that is done by prime bank traders is the pre-arranged buying and selling of bank instruments providing a guaranteed profit in each transaction.

13. Private Placement Programs are the means by which these price agreed buy-sell trades take place. In real PPPs the buy/sell trades are pre-arranged and therefore not speculative or risky, providing a profit every trade/tranche.

14. Zero Risk

PPPs are the safest and most profitable means for banks to trade bank instruments between themselves.  In Private Placement Program trading the trader only buys notes when he already has an agreed exit buyer to buy the notes at a higher price. This is known as buy/sell or Arbitrage trading.

15. In this way a positive net gain (profit) is guaranteed for every trade/tranche. Therefore there is zero risk to the platform, trader, the banks, and the investor.

16. Actually, PPPs are not well known publicly, and only a very small group of investors that own significant funds or Bank Instruments have access to them. Most programs can be joined by invitation only.

3 Major Considerations:

  1. Safety? Yes, in Top Bank and your money DO NOT leave your account.

  2. Legal? Yes, All organise by the Top bank

  3. Return? Consider good, 5%-15% depending on negotiation

Interested to know more? just Whatsapp to me.

I can show you some P&C  Documents.


Andeerson Wong

PPP Manager

Whatsapp: +60102139943


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