Friday, December 24, 2010

Are you Insane like the person below???? You MUST trust registered person with Security Commission.

Harian Metro reported on 24-Dec-2010 in Malaysia.

Clerk falls prey to investment scam

A civil servant was tricked into taking part in an investment scam which caused her to be debt-ridden and poorer by RM43,000, Harian Metro reported.

The clerk, only known as Nora, 26, had secured a RM18,000 cooperative loan.

Soon after the loan approval, she met with an agent who offered her an investment scheme that would make investors eligible to secure personal loans.

During the meeting, Nora did not agree to join the investment scheme and her husband merely asked about the amount of loan they could apply for.

She said the man asked her to submit her pay slip and the co-operative deduction form before he could tell them the amount.

Three days later, she received a call from the cooperative saying that her loan had been approved. She was shocked to find that RM33,000 had been deposited into her account when she had never signed any application form.

She called the man to get an explanation about the money and he told her that she should cash out the money to invest in a scheme which promised better returns,

The following day, the man asked her and her husband to go to a bank in Puchong to transfer the money to another account under a certain company.

The couple were told that he would deal with the cooperative and that there would be a RM200 deduction in Nora’s salary.

Two months later, she was shocked to find out that RM545 had been deducted from her monthly salary.

Realising that something was amiss, she enquired from the cooperative and was shocked when she was informed that she owed RM43,000 to be settled in 15 years.

After several attempts to contact the agent failed, the couple lodged a report at the Presinct 7 police station in Putrajaya.



1. This world is full of Cheater and liar, like collapse of Citigroup, AIG, Madoff, Baring Bank and etc

2. In Malaysia = If you never go to UK before and you received a email stating that you had won a lottery of GBP500,000. is this make sense? are you fool? insane?

3. Too Many scam email from Africa stating "need your help" to transfer USK30 million to your account and so many people believe it is your fortune. More than 3,000 people cheated from this scam in Malaysia including datuks.......

4. Email received on Bank's account blocked and need your confirmation of ID and password and you click from email that you received. How to verfy? if you click, you will lost all money in bank account. If this happen to you, you better stay in jail for safety reason.

5. Do you received phone call from any bank / telekom / celcom / insurance / Time share / telemarketing etc asking for credit card number? better don't give anything because you cannot verify this person either is truely from original source. How to verify? Your Name, email, IC, Address and some sensitve info is selling in black market by thousand of ringgit. no more private information are save. else where is the business of wikileak? U know, who pay salary for Wikileak?

6. Credit card scam - If card stolen / lost or use by third party which bank ask you to pay else their will keep your info in black list and you cannot apply any loan in future. advise : Better change to Cash card or reduce your credit limit to RM2,000 or less. if you need to buy more stuff, you can call the bank to increase credit limit for this time only. Even you report th third party to police, so what? it merely put in satistic.

7. Housing scam - How so many advertising bunting for House for sales with no Registered property agent's company and contact? if you allow them to sell your house and you pass them the key, then they will use your house for drug processing center, 4D HQ, Prostitute Hostel and etc. if police raid your unit then you property will be lock-up until this case settled. So your dream to sell this house will vanished and the title cannot be transfer because blocked by police. There are 10,000 cases of this kind and it look no end for next 2,000 years.

8. Insurance scam, unit trust scam, Investment scam like bird nest, seaweed, many more......

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